Liter Announcement

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New liter born on January 23, 2012. The second liter in our farm since we brought the dogs over from California in 2006.
They are the offspring of Abaré Boiadeiro do Jatobá x Elo D.C. Filas de Fazenda 
The Dam, Abaré, known as "Abby", from Gameleira and Tabayara bloodlines, whom, like her mother, is a good stock-dog, and she's been at it since 2008. She was born at the farm in 2007 and this is Abby's first and only liter so far. She is currently taking a break from practicing  her new activity as a snake detection dog. She is 4 years old. She has been approved for reproduction by the CAFIB, having had temperament evaluation deemed "regular" by judge Pedro Barotti. Unfortunately, at this time, there are no stock-dog or hunting trials being held in the CAFIB, if there were any in place, we will certainly be the first in line to enroll her.
The sire, Elo D.C. Filas de Fazenda, is a new member of the Fazenda Cachoeira da Bela Vista [Beautiful View Waterfall Farm] crew. He is out of Alan "Apache" Filas de Fazenda x Neona Filas de Fazenda. From very concentrated Ibituruna bloodline. He arrived at the farm at 5 months and was immediately put to work with Abby, he followed the ropes pretty well, however his is very energetic, but is a great learner. He was trained with verbal reward markers, the Synalia method and the clicker.
All puppies have white markings which is traditional in these bloodlines, and in Minas Gerais. As this was an open and heterogeneous crossing, this liter produced 9 healthy pups, 5 males and 4 females.
For reservations and more information email

Young German Fila Brasileiro Breeder kills her Dogs

By Ligia Morris in collaboration with Ines Van Damme

Last year, a 17 year old Bronx, NY girl was arrested for killing her ex-roommate's kitten by putting it into an oven and leaving it to die. Her act was described as a "heartless attempt to get revenge on her lesbian lover". What motivates human beings to commit such acts of cruelty towards animals? How does a healthy, vibrant young dog turn into a living corpse under the so called care of an owner which had been perceived to be a responsible one?
What could have been the motivation that drove Bianca Brinkmann, a 28 year old woman from Hildesheim, Germany to commit an act of extreme animal cruelty? Substance abuse, alcoholism, financial troubles, recession, perhaps depression and even pride might have been behind this tragedy.
Something insidious motivated Ms. Brickman to force her dogs to suffer an agonizing slow death by neglect and starvation that lasted several weeks. She closed her 5 year old Fila Brasileiro male dog inside a small room just under the roof of her house and let him starve to death, alone and without water. She also closed two female Filas in cubicle measuring 80 x 80 cm. inside a room next to her living room. She locked the doors and starved them until both of them nearly died. While this was happening Ms. Brinkman's toddler was living in the house. What compelled Ms. Brinkman to expose her young child to such cruelty? Did they hear the dogs barking, howling, crying?
"Cidonia" Before & After

At one point in the short history of this Fila Brasileiro Kennel Owner, Ms. Brinkman, 28, had been a fila lover and a responsible Breeder. She purchased her first 2 filas from Mrs. Yvonne Kreppner, "Cidonia" (Antonia v.d. Burgenstrasse) and "Ciano" (Artus v.d. Burgenstrasse). She took good care of her dogs, began going to dog shows and started a breeding kennel. She named her kennel "Kennel do Castelo Mariano". Ms. Brickman's troubles started a progressive road downhill when her husband left her, their young child and the dogs. She stopped working. Then she neglected the dogs.

She had been a member of the CFB - CLUB DER FREUNDE DER FILA BRASILEIRO [Friends of the Fila Brasileiro Club], which controls breeding praxis in Germany, dictates breeding procedures and selects which dogs obtain a German pedigree. During a litter inspection and control, The Club established that the Ms. Brickmann's adult dogs were in below standard care conditions, a serious and scandalous position for a German breeder to be in. As a result of the severity of this fact, Bianca Brickman got a TWO YEAR BREEDING SUSPENSION from the club.
The Club had offered her free dog food to help, but she refused and said that she had always cooked home made food for the dogs. Antonia ("Cidonia") and Artus' s ("Ciano") breeder, Mrs. Yvonne Kreppner, also offered help, but Bianca refused any help by saying that everything was under control.
Pride can be a paralyzing force, which is reinforced by a community plagued by animosity and criticism. The dog world is not exactly a place where one can ask for help without fear of reprisal. On the German internet forums and social networks she was considered a responsible participant and a good owner. No one seemed interested in following up with the fate of her dogs and Ms Brickmann decided against giving her dogs up to an animal shelter. People assumed she did not want the authorities to interfere with her life.
Newspaper ad for pups below average price:
On New Year's Day 2010, while she was out, her father came to her house to see after the Filas. After discovering the condition the dogs were in and the horrific scene, he called the Police and Animal Protection. Finally, after the dogs endured months of agonizing and suffering, Ms. Brinkmann's father recognized the signals of desperation, took charge and got help.
Signs of distress:
The police recovered the two females to a vet hospital. The vets declared that the dogs had been deprived of food and water for 6 to 8 weeks. One of the females from the first liter did not have a chance to survive and was put to sleep after two days. Another female was never found.
"Cidonia" weighed 20 kilos when she was found, but survived. She is now recovering at the house of a fila lover and is gaining weight.The Fila male who was locked in the room under the roof was found dead and in state of mummification.
Better times in the life of the male: "Ciano"
Clearly, Ms Brickmann must be accountable for her actions, and the dogs deserve justice. Nonetheless, we should take a close look at our attitude as human beings in the Fila world and consider how we can make it possible for another human being who is overwhelmed or going through distress of any nature to feel comfortable enough to ask for help. Also, to take compassionate action when there are signs of need, distress and disaster, to follow up, check up and stand by each other in times of hardship. There is no guarantee that tragedies such as the one that happened to these dogs will not happen again, but we may prevent suffering on all fronts.

for donations for the welfare of "Cidonia":
here is the account number where you can deposit money

Sparkase Hildesheim

, Swift Code: NOLADE 21 HIK

IBAN: DE 4725950130 000 000 1009

heslo (password)- CIDONIA