I've been intrigued about what makes the people of Rio de Janeiro so beautiful. Brazilian food is typically so fattening. It's cooked in vast amounts of pork fat, contains all kinds of starches, a lot of it is fried and sugar is used in abundance. Conceptually, it's our version of Soul Food. Despite all that, people eat smaller portions than americans and all the food is made fresh. Supermarkets are not all over the place, people get their produce from street fairs called "Feiras" were all meat (category often sold live), sea-food, fresh veggies, herbs, dairy, dairy, plants and flowers are sold. It's a weekly domestic event happening in every neighborhood in the city on any determined day, making a total of 182 spred around the city.
The exercising done on the beach, its side-walks and exclusive bicycle lanes starts at the crack of dawn and continues throughout the day. Maybe, if the weather is cold or there's rain some might stay home. Something I wouldn't bet on though.
After spending practically a whole beautiful sunny tuesday at the beach with my grand-daughter and her mother, I realized that one of the most important factors involved in the Rio beauty secret is what I've coined under-toe management. The currents are so strong they force you to use most muscle groups to keep from being taken away by the ocean. While having a good time frolicking in the water it's unnoticeable, afterwards you might feel a little sore. Imagine that at least two times a week for a lifetime!

Didn't they pass a law here making it mandatory for big dogs to be in public at a certain hour with a muzzle and on a short leash? I've seen many almost-Rottweilers, almost-Labs, almost-great Danes and almost- Dobbies off-leash and sans muzzle. Most dogs I've seen in Copacabana look like mixes or very poor examples of their breeds with the exception of pit-bulls and poodles.
Food by the Kilo
Just do it. R$2,00 (U$1,00) =100gr of home made fresh food.
Ghetto Music Videos
Why haven't seen we them on american MTV? If you think crunk is ghetto, wait till you see a samba-rap Music Video shot at the Favela. I recommend Marcelo D2. Love it and getting the cd.
Life in Rio de Janeiro
Tom Jobim once quoted about life in Rio versus life in Los Angeles (or was it Brazil x America?):
"[life in L.A.] it's really good but its shitty, [life in Rio] It's shitty but its really good" .
I'm feelin' that right about now..
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