The BBC Special called Pedigree Dogs Exposed, led to the BBC withdrawing from televising Crufts Dog Show in the UK. The producers of the documentary are furious with PETA for jumping on the film’s bandwagon. Earlier in the year, PETA called for the US networks to stop televising Westminster Dog Show, citing the BBC film as evidence of unacceptable deformity and disease in pedigree dogs.
“I am horrified that PETA is using the film to further its own, warped agenda,” says Jemima Harrison, of Passionate Productions, which made the film for the BBC. “Our film is about animal welfare, not animal rights".
Nonetheless, Pedigree Dogs Exposed is a classic example of "ambush journalism" that abounds today. Many of the "statements" made by people in the "mockumentary" were edited out of context and the other side was never presented. The creator of this travesty is said to be outed as a supporter of animal "rights" despite her "protestations" to the contrary.
Once again this sort of commentary permeates our breed groups, and here on my blog. Its slanted, biased, and WRONG in many of its allegations have NO scientific PROOF offered of any of the supposed problems.
in reality, dog owners and breeders are fighting a WAR against Animal Rights groups that want to END all animal ownership and are working at it right now - today - in 34 states in the US where we have anti-pet owner legislation pending, and in nations in Europe and South America where anti-pet ownership is also at work. The belief in the "myth of hybrid vigour"!
Purebred dogs are healthier now than they have been in many years due to health testing, quality food and correct vaccination programs. Unhealthy dogs are eliminated from breeding programs and the "incestous" inbreeding that is treated with such contempt by these documentaries is actually the recommendation of "genetic experts" as a way of helping to eliminate more health problems. Several breed clubs are currently testing for specific conditions and donate to research - looking for a DNA markers to help eliminate known diseases. We are in a fair way to eliminating problems in many pure breeds and, as research continues we may someday see these problems totally eliminated.
No one is doing research to eliminate health problems in mixed breeds and most of them can inherit any or all of the health problems of the breeds they are descended from - how much research is there on "hip dysplasia" in mixed breeds or thyroid or eye problems? Programs based on beliefs like this feed right into the AR propaganda and will help destroy us all. And it will keep doing so as long as citizens mindlessly swallow the AR media hype they’re fed and continue to contribute financial and tacit support.
Here are some interesting related links:
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