When traveling to Brazil make extra sure your TOURIST VISA is still valid...

Trip was postponed for the 30 of April, check back please...


Anonymous said...

That's the first thing you got to look at! YOUR VISA!!!! What a drag!!
So you postponed...We will be closer by the period you arrive to Brazil. Some friends and my family will be staying in Monte Verde and Campos de Jordao MG (days 28,29,30 april,and May 1st). Hope you make this time...TONY

Ligia Morris said...

I know, April Fool's day was April 13th for us..Oh well. Nothing we can do about it!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for this incident. But you two willl be here soon...
I want to see you when you arrive.
That same weekend...29th of April.
big kiss...

Ligia Morris said...

Ok - We will see each other soon!
Maybe for Mother's day. What do you think about that? I have rearranged those days so I can be in Rio again
sat evening, Sunday and till we leave at night on Monday! How's that?