Giancotti's Retrograde Language of Hate

It so easy to get caught up in the OLD way of thinking that has destroyed this breed and most of the registered breeds  in the world today. So I've decided to erase my previous blog post and rid my site of the hate filled atmosphere that comes hand-in-hand with the retrograde philosophy that is part of Giancotti's lifestyle. No matter how many attacks to my sanity or placing pictures of my dog on what was to be the last day of his life, after a struggle with a kidney damage from Erlichiosis, the proverbial "cat is out of the bag". Giacontti has been exposed for what he is, and aside for not answering a single question I made and consistently contradicting himself about breed "purity", don't need to underestimate anybody's intelligence with qualifiers for his delivery. But I will say I'm glad he's not a part of my life. 

I must set the record straight and in keeping with my commitment to honesty and disclosure :

This is the album called "Cães que Salvarão a Raça" on Giancotti's site
hateful and pernicious remark included.

The first picture is of Gameleira Jaguar
the day before he died. The second and third pictures are of Gameleira Jaguar at at around 6 or 7 months old. I think I sent this picture to Giancotti asking him to tell me if he thought there was something wrong with the dog. I never got a response - but his opinion is loud and clear now! The forth picture I don't recognize, the fifth is Jaguar as a pup again and the last one I don't know who it is either. 

Gameleira Jaguar - is dead. He did not live to be 2 y/o, but he did not live with me all of his life. He is the son of Gameleira Estrela(dos Tabayara) X Vagalume dos Tabayara, pictures of him at a heathier time and of his parents are here. He sired only one litter, before he died, and he was not my dog of choice for mating - I would have preferred Massaranduba doa Tabayara or Sultão do Alto Quatis. As my option for breeding would have been a line-breeding. Massaranduba could not mount my female. He was an older  male that didn't have the energy at the time. I don't hold that against him. Gitana is a very active working dog and was intereted in moving the cattle at the farm where they were. Unfortunately, it didnt work out although we tried for 3 days and Gitana "slept" with him in the kennel. Sultão was not availble at the time. When Gitana got back from the 'mating trip', while she was with me on the leash,
Jaguar (only 1 y/o) escaped from the terrace and in a metter of seconds mounted her. And that is how my only litter came about.
 DNA results indicated Jaguar was the sire of the litter and not Massaranduba. I did not  expect to have the results I did with Jaguar as a Sire.

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